During an Interview on Fox News, host Bret Baier asked the Dalai Lama if he shared the same viewpoint as the conservative GOP, to which the Dalai Lama laughed. “You’re in essence a refugee,” Baier said. “You have now in Tibet an immigration issue with Chinese coming into Tibet to work. So when you hear […]
James Robison: ‘’Democrats Will Kill Babies And Give Over To Satan.’’
Trump the great deliverer…
Scott Lively: “President Trump Should Apologize For Gay Obama.”
It would seem the presidency is wide open for Trump?
Glen Beck: ‘’I Agree That Congress Is Feckless and Spineless.’’
Guilty by association
Alex Jones: ‘’Trump Will Be A Political Devil Ready For Suicide.’’
The Devil or George Washington….tricky choice
Richard Dreyfuss: ‘’Thin Dicked Trump Uses Poor Whores.’’
Does being poor make ‘whores’ any better?
Tony Perkins: ”I Will Make Donald Trump Acceptable.”
If you can’t support him, how can we?
Eric Holder: ”Snowden And Trump Appealed To The Worst Part Of America.”
Snowden and Trump…Both Harm American Interests?
Katrina Pierson: ”Even Though They Are Trump Haters, The Mexicans Love Trump.”
Trump hates Mexicans but they will love him?
Rick Perry: ”Obama And The American Public Don’t Understand The Military!”
American Sniper Lied…Of Course It’s Obama’s Fault!