A Washington state mayor has refused to resign over a Facebook post that compared President Barack Obama’s family to gorillas and monkeys because he says it would be conceding that he is a racist. According to KYQ Airway Heights Mayor Patrick Rushing came under fire earlier this week after he confirmed that he had posted […]
Huckabee: “IF We Allow Transgender People Into The Army, We Should Also Give Women 38D Breasts”
In a clip of an interview with Newsmax TV that was posted online recently, Mike Huckabee criticized the Pentagon’s move to end the ban on open military service by transgender people, saying that openly transgender service members would “affect morale” because “men are men and women are women.” “The military is not a social organization,” […]
Paul: “Native Americans’ Problem Is Their Refusal Of “Kill The Indian And Save The Man” Policy”

Native Americans “don’t do very well because of their lack of assimilation,” said GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul on Thursday. After an exchange with conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham about what she called “separatist” immigrant communities, Paul’s comment followed. Ingraham was incredulous that “the MSNBC crowd” supported Jeb Bush’s attribute of speaking Spanish […]
Mat Staver: “We Should Create No-Gay Zones In Every City”
Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver joined VSY America’s “Crosstalk” program recently to discuss his work urging government officials to defy the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality. Staver urged governors and other elected officials to “stand up and resist” the Supreme Court’s ruling, praising officials in Alabama and Texas who are pushing back against it. Such […]
Fox News Host Greg Gutfeld: “Pope Francis Is The Most Dangerous Person On The Planet”
Fox News personality Greg Gutfeld accused Pope Francis of being “the most dangerous person on the planet” because he is seeking “strange new respect” for adversaries on climate change. On Tuesday night’s episode of The Five, the panel discussed the pontiff’s leaked encyclical that warns of “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem” unless drastic changes […]
Tony Perkins: “It’s A Sin To Say ‘God Bless America’”
Still reeling from the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said on his radio show recently that the U.S. will no longer receive God’s blessing. When a caller, Hector, told Perkins that he no longer likes to hear the phrase “God bless America” now that the Supreme Court […]
John Kasich: “We Shouldn’t Try To Fix Climate Change Because That’s The Creator’s Wish”
John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio, announced his bid for the presidency Tuesday. Unlike most of his GOP opponents, Kasich actually believes that climate change is real. “I happen to believe there is a problem with climate change,” he told the Hill 2012. “I don’t want to overreact to it, I can’t measure it […]
Scott Walker: “All The Americans Agree That Abortions Should Be Illegal In All Cases”
Miranda reported recently on Mike Huckabee’s radical and dangerous plan to give fertilized eggs full constitutional rights by declaring them to be human beings. But Huckabee wasn’t the only one at the recent GOP presidential debate making extreme statements when it comes to women’s health care. Fox’s Megyn Kelly asked Walker about his position […]
Rick Santorum: “Compared To Gay Marriage, Skin Cancer Is A Blessing For Americans”
Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum argued over the weekend that President Barack Obama should redirect the energy that he has been putting into fighting climate change into promoting heterosexual marriages “for the survival of our country.” In an interview on Sunday, Santorum told the hosts of Fox & Friends that the U.S. Congress should pass […]
Cruz Calls Christians To “Fall On Knees And Pray Against Liberal Fascism”
Waukee, Iowa – On Saturday, Sen. Ted Cruz argued that Democrats have become so extreme and “intolerant” of religious views that “there is no room for Christians in today’s Democratic Party.” “There is a liberal fascism that is dedicated to going after believing Christians who follow the biblical teaching on marriage,” the Texas Republican said […]