Morning Joe: “Ted Cruz Is Mocked Easily By Yates Because He Thinks He’s The Smartest Person In The Room”

During an MSNBC panel discussion on Tuesday, it was pointed out that Sen. Ted Cruz was embarrassed after being outdone by former Attorney General Sally Yates at the Senate hearing because he always thinks he’s “the smartest person in the room.”

On the “Morning Joe” show, host Joe Scarborough said Cruz tried to corner Yates by trying to cite U.S. law when she was asked about the legality of President Donald Trump’s travel ban. However, Yate quickly recited the newer section on the U.S. code to support her actions.

“Do not set it up like Perry Mason unless you know the answer,” Scarborough advised. “He should have known — that’s just bad theater, that’s just bad politics. He should have known that Sally Yates was going to hit his hanging curve ball 470 feet.”

“She cited correctly the provision of the law that was implemented after the section that he talked about,” he continued.

“But it’s also something that Ted Cruz has done more often than not,” MSNBC contributor Mike Barnicle said. “He has an intellectual contempt for nearly everyone because he thinks he’s just the smartest person in the room.”

“What’s even worse, he shows it,” MSNBC contributor Steve Rattner observed. “It’s obvious he has an intellectual contempt for everyone that’s in the room.”