
Rep. Mark Meadows Calls President-elect Trump To Roll Back The Laws Against Campus Rape

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According to USA Today, the future House Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows put out a report advising Donald Trump’s administration curtail the current sexual assault guidelines because they “deny the often-innocent accused basic due process rights.”

Among the 300 regulations that Meadows is asking Trump to think about removing is the Office for Civil Rights’ Title IX guidance on campus rapes and sexual assault.

“The Title IX guidance document on sexual assault and campus rapes has pressured colleges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars, and to create vast campus bureaucracies which drain tuition revenue, to investigate allegations of sexual assault (primarily date rapes, the incidence of which may be overestimated),” Meadows wrote in the updated report.

He claims that Title IX, “virtually dictates one-size-fits-all procedures which provide less protection to the accused, and deny the often-innocent accused basic due process rights.”

Meadows argue the guideline dictate “one-size-fits-all procedures which provide less protection to the accused, and deny the often-innocent accused basic due process rights.”

RAINN, the anti-sexual violence organization, has reported that up to 11.2 percent of college students experience some type of sexual assault. “There is a huge amount of evidence that campus sexual assault is a problem,” Sofie Karasek, director of education at End Rape on Campus, told USA Today. “The number of false rape accusations is between 2% and 8%—on par with the rate of false accusations for other crimes.”