News Makeup
Today's Headlines
Mayor Patrick Rushing: “I’m Not Racist, I Just Think That Michelle Looks Like A Gorilla”
WATCH: Tomi Lahren Kicked Her Dog Five Times And That Made It A Video Post
Jeff Sessions Plans To Fire FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — Just Days Before He’s Supposed To Retire
(VIDEO) Rick Wiles Blames Hillary Clinton For Recent Poisoning Of Russian Spy
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Watch: Pat Robertson Trolled Online, Can’t Answer Why He Needs Surgery If Faith “Can Heal Anybody”
Pat Robertson fielded a logical question from a viewer on a recent edition of “The 700 Club,” who wanted to know why Robertson has had to undergo various surgeries if faith is all that it takes to heal any medical condition. “Why have you undergone surgeries if your faith would [...]
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WATCH: Tomi Lahren Kicked Her Dog Five Times And That Made It A Video Post
Moderate stun muscle head Tomi Lahren on Wednesday made a “joke” about kicking her pet puppy more than once to make excessively commotion amid her most recent appearance on Fox and Friends. In an online networking post got by TMZ, Lahren said that her puppy Kota was “biting on her [...]
Our Selected Narrative
Mayor Patrick Rushing: “I’m Not Racist, I Just Think That Michelle Looks Like A Gorilla”
A Washington state mayor has refused to resign over a Facebook post that compared President Barack Obama’s family to gorillas and monkeys because he says [...]
Jeff Sessions Plans To Fire FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — Just Days Before He’s Supposed To Retire
Despite the fact that active FBI agent chief Andrew McCabe is set to resign one week from now, Attorney General Jeff Sessions may fire him [...]
Alex Jones Warns Americans From Evil Media That “Soon They Will Claim Trump Rapes And Eats Haitian Babies”
Alex Jones, the shock jock conspiracy theorist leader of Infowars, told listeners that the media fabricated reports that Trump made racist remarks about immigrants in order [...]
Mark Taylor Promise: “Trump Going To Fix It An Arrest Satanic Pedophiles On February”
Earlier this week, self-proclaimed “firefighter prophet” and right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor appeared on the “Faithtalk” program, where he predicted that President Trump has already taken the steps [...]
Blue Party 2016
Ana Navarro: It’s Impossible To Force Trump To Face His Accusers Because ‘We’d Need A Stadium’ To Fit Them All
Republican strategist Ana Navarro went on CNN Monday to criticize President Donald Trump for all the inconvenience he is having with Stormy Daniels, the porno [...]
GOP 2016
Rand Paul: “Poor People Don’t Have Money Because They Don’t Work Hard Like The Rest Of Us”
Asked if his flat tax plan would further separate the haves from the have-nots, GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) said Sunday that [...]