Donald Trump: “Michelle Obama Is A Baby That Wants To Run The Country”

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The Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was giving a speech in North Carolina on Friday when he tried to use a line from Michelle Obama’s 2007 campaign speech to try to attack both her and Hillary Clinton, according to The

“We have a bunch of babies running our country, a bunch of losers. They are babies. We have a president, all he wants to do is campaign. His wife, all she wants to do is campaign,” he said.

“I see how much his wife likes Hillary, but wasn’t she the one that started the statement: ‘If you can’t take care of your home, you can’t take care of the White House or the country?’”

The sensitive former reality star was reacting to comments the First Lady made on Thursday in which she said he was out-of-touch with issues facing most Americans.

“Perhaps living life high up in a tower in a world of exclusive clubs, measuring success by wins and losses, the number of zeros in your bank account. Perhaps you just develop a different set of values,” Obama said at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona. “Maybe with so little exposure to people who are different than you, it becomes easy to take advantage of those who are down on their luck.”

“To him,” she said, “most of America is ‘them.’”

When Obama made a speech in 2007 while campaigning for her husband, she talked about the difficulties of balancing two careers, two daughters and politics.

“One of the things, the important aspects of this race, is role modeling what good families should look like. And my view is that if you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the White House. Can’t do it,” she said. “So, so we’ve adjusted our schedules to make sure that our girls are first, so while he’s traveling around, I do day trips.”