Jeffrey Lord: “Coal Is The Wave Of The Future”

PhotoCredit: cnn


Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich bashed conservative pundit Jeffrey Lord while having a panel discussion about Paris Climate Agreement on CNN.

President Donald Trump’s senior economic advisor Steve Moore complained about developing countries being allowed to use fossil fuels while developed nations put their economic stability at risk by moving to green energy.

“If the developing world is going to rely on fossil fuel, oil and coal that the fact that the United States relied on it for years that is the end of the planet, Steve,” Reich responded “We can’t possibly have a plan that relies that much on fossil fuels. That’s one reason there is so much interest and one reason the United States had been so dedicated to helping developing nations move to wind and solar.”

Instead of discussing Trump’s comments, Lord tried to turn the attention to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“If Hillary Clinton were elected and did the opposite of this, would we say she is doing it to play to her base? I was showing the governor in the green room, Pittsburgh was an island of blue in a sea of red. The Pennsylvania voters in that area, which are economically distressed in a lot of cases, are very upset about this,” Lord said talking referring to coal.

“Jeffrey Lord! Jeffrey Lord! Let’s get real here. Do you really think coal is the wave of the future.” Reich jumped in. “You think that’s the way the planet should be going?”

“I said, I think it’s part of the future,” Lord replied. “You know, eventually, sure.”

“Why is it then China and other countries are actually leading the way and n wind and solar?” Reich asked. “Why are they moving ahead of, no doubt, that at some point we won’t need to use coal anywhere but we’re not there yet? This is like trying to fly a jet airplane in 1861!”