
Ben Stein: “I Am Not A Doctor, But I Can Tell From Hillary’s Pictures That She Has Lupus And Takes Hydrocortisone”

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Conspiracy theorist continue to claim Hillary Clinton is hiding her health problems, and they have “evidence.” They point to pictures of a Secret Service agent hold a Diazepam pen (which was proved to be a flashlight) and a video of her having a seizure during an interview (which reporters that witnessed the incident deny).

Even Newsmax host Steve Malzberg got in on the act and insisted he had proof that Clinton of diminishing health: She sported “a long coat with black pants” while at an event in Nantucket.

Malzberg’s guest, Ben Stein, admitted that he is not a doctor but agreed with the host and even had a diagnoses himself.

“Well, I think part of that is the story is that she’s always wearing a bulletproof vest, so that may have something to do with it, but I don’t think she looks well,” he said. “When you see pictures of her face, I hate to say this, but my dear departed mother had lupus and she was taking a powerful hydrocortisone and Mrs. Clinton looks to me like she’s taking hydrocortisone. I am not a doctor but I sure pay a hell of a lot of attention to the effects of drugs and I’d like to know what meds Mrs. Clinton is taking and what she’s taking.”

And the evidence Stein gave: “Wrinkles, puffiness, a flushed appearance and a kind of very slight, furry, furry look on her face, a very slight furry, not like she’s Santa Claus, but a very slight furry look on her face.”

