
Linda Sorenson: ‘’Obama Is A Chimpanzee And I Don’t Care If You Are Offended By It.’’

Photo Credit: Flickr

The head of the Delta County, Colorado, Republican Linda Sorenson did the unthinkable when she posted a racially prejudiced meme on Facebook. The distasteful picture illustrated the current American president, Barak Obama, as a chimpanzee.

Unapologetic about the whole thing, Sorenson explained to Jason Salzman, from the blog ‘’Big Media’’  that the whole thing had been meant to be funny, though she doesn’t “care if people are offended by it.”

A note on the blog read, ‘’ Delta County Republican Chair Linda Sorenson shared an image on her Facebook page last week depicting Ronald Reagan nursing a chimpanzee. The photo is sandwiched by the phrase, “I’ll be damned… Reagan used to babysit Obama.”

Asked about what people are to make of her post, Sorenson respond, “I really don’t care if people are offended by it,” she told me of the post, which was sent to me by a source. “Un-friend me. Stop looking at me on Facebook.”