Prospective Voters in California were privy to an uplifting message by Donald Trump on Friday. The leading Republican presidential candidate told the supporters that he had an answer to the drought that has ravaged the state by way of availing water to farmers since ‘’there is no drought.’’
“We’re going to solve your water problem. You have a water problem that is so insane,” the real estate mogul – cum politician said. “It is so ridiculous where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea.”
This statement was made despite the fact that California is facing its fifth consecutive drought year. The adverse climatic conditions have resulted in agriculture taking a knock in the area. Although last year’s El Nino occurrence led to a rise in snowpacks which provide close to one third of water supply in California, close to 86 percent of the state is still in the drought status.
Addressing the environmental agencies who are seemingly looking ‘’to protect a three – inch fish’’ the Delta smelt, by prioritizing its habitat and not opening water up to people, Trump had stern words for the masses. “If I win, believe me, we’re going to start opening up the water, so that you can have your farmers survive so that your job market will get better,” the reality TV personality told the cheering crowd.’’
The GOP candidate echoed the sentiment of local farmers who feel that the water they should be receiving is instead being channeled into the seas by scientists as a way to maintain ecological balance. ‘’They don’t understand it’’ he argued, “There is no drought, they turn the water out into the ocean.”
As has come to be his modus operandi, Trump did not actual offer any specific methodology as to how the effects of the drought would be mitigated. He instead focused on his own exploits towards preserving the environment. “I’ve received many, many environmental rewards, really. Rewards and awards,” he remarked. “I have done very well environmentally. I’m all for it. My environmental standard is very simple, I’ve said it to everybody,’’ adding, “I want clean water. Clean air, clean water.”
As he wrapped up his campaign in California, some were left wondering about the genuineness of his claims, given that he just engaged Rep. Kevin Cramer, a big oil advocate and a non – believer of climate change to be his energy advisor this month.